Tuesday, February 24, 2009


My pantry is severely understocked. i dont mean like baking products and good shit i actually cook with. I mean like, hard times survival food. I took inventory today just to see what i'd have to sustain meeself in the event of a Zombie attack and I was really disapointed. i mean, as someone who cooks CONSTANTLY i feel i should have more, and better quality shit you know?
i had 2 cans of no name beets, which im not fond of, a can of field peas in jalapenos which i dont eat . A can of corn, one of peaches and a shady looking packet of ramen brandishing the original un updated wrapper.
I am ashamed. there was also a can of pumpkin. that sounds really weird. A can of pumpkin, like a bottle of potato. either way, i made a pie. homemade pumpkin pie made my own pie crust from scratch and made fresh whipped cream to go with. turned out rather well.
That pizza hut Lasagna shit is a disgrace.
bad guys be warned, i carry a straight razor in the lining of my chucks. And i will cut you open. Merrily.
SPAM is DEELISHUS on baguette
is it bad to use a mixed drink shaker on non alcholic drinks?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

best damn butter i've ever had

Today i choked up 7 bucks for 2 deck of cards sized blocks of Normandy butter in effort to expand my palate.
Holy god.
first off, thats was the best damn butter i've ever had in my entire life, i softened it and spreaded it over crusty warm baguette drizzled with good olive oil. that was dinner. There was no need for more. i had a monster porterhouse steak en la frigadora and desided to just wait till tommorow, it was just to much to absorb.
well, some arugala, asian pear and procuitto and Havarti but no massive hunk of met as is my usual repass.
Bourdain is right, it does possess a subtley "cheesey" taste to the untrained bouche. i quickly got over it and enjoyed to meal.
heres a question: ever had a meal or drink that was so fucking good you were almost brought to tears?

give me your tired, poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free

this blog is dedicated to the cooks,
we the tired, often the poor, who work the line. this is for the old school mercenaries and the new turks with fresh ideas. it is for the old master and the inspired amatuer. for the proffesor and the student.
All of us in the pursuit of the next meal. the better product, the cleaner service.